The 3 phases of a transition program (depending on the context and the needs of the person being supported):
Our detailed approach to the career transition program for business services

1. Essential preliminary thoughts:
Bouncing back : work on mourning job loss, acceptance, confidence and self-esteem (if applicable) and attitude to adopt in the face of the situation.
Career anchors : awareness, identification of values, anchors and true professional sources of motivation, so that there is alignment with the future job/career objective.
Career assessment : reflection exercises and support in reflection (innate and acquired skills/abilities, personality, interests, success, zone of excellence, zones of vigilance).
Identification of development avenues (if applicable) with a view to future employment.
Life/personal goals : in order to make professional choices aligned with life goals/desired quality of life.

2. Looking for a new challenge:
With the support of their professional coach, the person in transition will be able to begin their search in a structured way, by being well equipped and having a good understanding of the market. Once the reflection exercises and career assessment have been completed:
Job objectives : identification of targets and avenues to explore, reorientation (if necessary) and market analysis.
Curriculum vitae : support in writing a strategic, current professional CV based on identified targets and adaptation of the CV for specific opportunities.
Action strategies : development of objectives and specific actions based on identified targets.
Use of social media : best practices for using the LinkedIn network (impactful profile, presence on the network, strategic use of the tool).
Networking strategies : strategy development, measuring network strength, winning approaches, wise use of your network.
Professional references : choice of references, preparation and validation of references, management of the process.
Interview coaching : strategic preparation for interviews, selection committees, destabilizing questions, pitfalls and opportunities, simulation and feedback, interview debriefing.
Preparation for potential assessments : preparation for selection tests, management basket exercises, evaluation interviews.
Advice and support throughout the job search period.

3. Integration into the new job
Support and support for integration : success factors, strategic agenda, 90-day plan, building credibility on a relational and operational level, monitoring and support up to 2 months after taking up the position (within the limits of the number of hours planned in the program).